Ahad, Mac 25, 2007

New upgrades, new updates!

Salam and hello everyone! Here are some updates on Kapasitor.

1. If you forgot your password to login into kapasitor, dont worry. We have completed the password recovery. Click on login, and you shall see the link to be clicked if you have forgottern your password.

2. Forum navigation has been upgraded. Fuh, thanks to nur_za for giving advice on how to improve navigation of forum.

3. my.kapasitor has been launched! Yey!! The previous design was taken away from the web and we give you a new theme created by xr. you can take a look at the page here. Enjoy the benefit of registering to kapasitor and you will get you profile and personalized page for FREE!! (we are quite generous Cool kan?)

4. Thanks to pragun, we also upgraded control panel of JoCMS. Now, you can have links, emoticons and image link to your post. Tested on firefox 2.0 and IE 6.0. If you find bugs in kapasitor, do not hesitate to contact the admins.

5. We received a few bug reports from idhammuchtar and blur12 recently regarding the improper display of shoutbox. IF anyone of you encounter the same problem, please please please contact the admins.

Thanks for supporting kapasitor!

Sabtu, Mac 10, 2007

Prasasti: Menjulang karya jalanan ke mata dunia

Assalamualaikum and good day to all of you.

Finally, after a few weeks of hard work and a few pack of cigarettes, we present to you; Prasasti with the tagline: Menjulang karya jalanan ke mata dunia. We decided to take what you have written online and put it into an e-mag for offline readings. This e-mag will be published once in a month and comes in Bahasa Melayu language.

Some of you might ask; why would we do this? The answer is simple: appreciation.

Yeah, this is a token of appreciation to all writers and readers of Kapasitor. And we could not get it done without sacrifise from Snubnosse. He, as an Editor of Kapasitor, had done so many things just to get Prasasti become real. He proved himself as a capable man who not only able to write a superb piece, but also capable of getting Prasasti done from scratch. Not to mention the hastle of getting the materials, authoring process in Publisher and export it into acrobat Reader.

Snubnosse, you have done a great job!

So, what we have in the 1st issue of Prasasti? The first issue is basically what you have read in Kapasitor PLUS 2 interviews with Cahatomic and Uculer. We have more content for the next issue of Prasasti, so if you want to contribute, start your writing now at Kapasitor!

And, we are alse recruiting new members for editorial board of Prasasti. So, if you want to be a part of Prasasti, download the e-magazine and read about the recruitment in the advertisement space or simply email us at editor[at]kapasitor.net

Download Prasasti today!
